Sunday, August 18, 2013

TX BI 2013 opens Saturday, September 7 from 8-10pm

TX BI 2013 will take place at Gallery 1724, 1724 Bissonnet St., Houston, Texas 77005 September 7 through November 9, 2013.

TX BI 2013 seeks to share artwork of artists relating to both sexes and/or showing characteristics of both sexes and/or working through perspectives of sexual attraction to both men and women. Selected artists include: Vonetta Berry, Linda Cornflake, Ryan Hawk, Hogan Kimbrell, Koomah, Traci Matlock, Madsen Minax, Tish Stringer, Y.E. Torres, Stalina Villarreal and Julia Wallace. Work presented includes painting, performance, photography, sculpture and video. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, September 7 from 8-10pm. Vonetta Berry will have a live performance during the opening reception, and Stephanie Saint Sanchez will provide topic relevant music.

In addition to the opening night of Saturday, September 7, the exhibition will be open to the public Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11am to 6pm or by appointment. For an appointment, please call 713-523-2547 or 713-582-1198 or email:

Attached image: Athlete by Hogan Kimbrell

Gallery 1724
1724 Bissonnet St. (between Dunlavy and Woodhead)
Houston, TX 77005
Reception: Saturday, September 7, 8-10pm
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am to 6pm or by appointment
For appointments:
713-523-2547 or 713-582-1198

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Seeking TX BI Artists…

Seeking TX BI Artists…

…for the 2013 TX BI (…of or relating to both sexessexually attracted to both men and womenshowing characteristics of both sexes…) exhibition to open on Saturday, September 7 at Gallery 1724.

Important Information:

For submission guidelines, please contact Emily at or 713-582-1198 by August 5, 2013.

Location: Gallery 1724, 1724 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005

Links to the TX BI 2011:

Culture Map



Houston Press