Exhibition views:

One night only!---Saturday, May 15 from 7-9:30pm.
The Kenmore's location:
Box 13 ArtSpace
6700 Harrisburg (at Cesar Chavez)
Houston, Texas 77011
After a long period of scientific research limited access, Lechuguillita, the smallest cave of the Americas, is open to the public on May 15th for the first time. Salt and copper sulfate pentahydrate crystal formations deck the 0.25 cubic ft. frozen cave. Lechuguillita Cave lies beneath studio wilderness area. However, it appears that the cave's passages may extend out of the studio into adjacent Bureau of Art Management (BAM) land. A major threat to the cave is proposed drilling on BAM land. Any leakage of gas or fluids into the cave's passages could kill cave life or cause explosions.
Read more about Ms. Chacin on our history page!

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